David Rueger (MA Oxon, MSc Oxon) entered the trade during his undergraduate years. After cataloging at Martayan Lan in New York from 2011-2013, David began buying and selling his own material in conjunction with Antiquariat Inlibris-Gilhofer Nfg. Editio Altera was founded in 2022.
Mr. Rueger has traditionally dealt mainly with institutional libraries in the US, UK, and Europe. Forming cohesive collections on a particular, understudied theme has been a significant aspect of the business, including notable placements at:

Johns Hopkins University (Women of the Book Collection) - today “the world's most extensive gathering of primary research items dedicated to the spiritual lives of European and South American women: nuns, beatae, and female mystics and saints, produced between ca. 1450-1800.”

Princeton University (Isabella Piccini and her Corpus) - a significant exposition of the work of the prolific Venetian engraver Sor Isabella Piccini (1644-1734), ranging from medicine, history, law, and pageantry to theology and devotion.

Mr. Rueger has been a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA) and the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) since 2022.
He has been a member of the Grolier Club in New York City since 2017.